Raglan Multi Sport / Body Blitz !
Can you handle this?
Leg 1. Stand Up Paddle 500m
Leg 2. Surfboard Paddle 500m
Leg 3. Swim across the river and back 250m
Leg 4. Sand Running 500m
Optional Bridge Bombing after every leg.
We Dare you to get a team together and compete for the Body Blitz Trophy ...
Trophy Winner : ( Zac 4 from 4)
# 50m swimming ability required
Can you handle this?
Leg 1. Stand Up Paddle 500m
Leg 2. Surfboard Paddle 500m
Leg 3. Swim across the river and back 250m
Leg 4. Sand Running 500m
Optional Bridge Bombing after every leg.
We Dare you to get a team together and compete for the Body Blitz Trophy ...
Trophy Winner : ( Zac 4 from 4)
# 50m swimming ability required